Chaire de recherche du Canada en ÉPI

Université Laval


Pauline Pic est chercheure postdoctorale au sein de la chaire de recherche du Canada en Économie Politique Internationale depuis octobre 2022. Elle a obtenu son doctorat en sciences géographiques en avril 2022. Ses travaux, dirigés par Frédéric Lasserre (Université Laval) et Stéphane Roussel (ENAP), portaient sur les échelles de la sécurité et de la coopération en arctique. Dans le cadre de son postdoctorat, elle s'intéresse à la gouvernance des espaces partagés et aux dynamiques de pouvoir qui régissent les réseaux d'acteurs impliqués.

Pauline est agrégée de géographie et membre de plusieurs réseaux de recherche canadiens: Observatoire de la Politique et la Sécurité Arctique (OPSA), le Réseau d'Analyse Stratégique (RAS) et le North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network (NAADSN). Elle est aussi Fellow au sein du groupe de travail en Sciences Humaines et Sociales de l'International Arctic Science Committee (IASC).

Intérêts de recherche

Arctique, Espace, Gouvernance des communs, Analyse de réseau, Réseaux d'acteurs, Dynamiques de pouvoir.

Special issue editing

  • Pic, Pauline; Escudé, Camille; Vidal, Florian (2021), Numéro spécial ‘Politiques de l’Arctique’. Études Internationales, 51(1).

    This special issue showcases some contributions presented during the symposium “Arctic policies in perspective” which was held at Sciences Po, in Paris, on December 18 and 19, 2019. These two days of discussions aimed at shedding light on the Arctic in a context of the international development of the region, where the signs of cooperation are always vibrant, as indicated by the signing of the moratorium to ban fishing in the central Arctic Ocean. At the same time, weak signals would indicate an increase in security tensions with the jamming of the gps disrupting civil aviation in the Barents region or the return of the United States Navy to Iceland. Far from an image of a unified, frozen and exotic space, the Arctic is now being recognized as a space at the heart of international relations. This special issue is therefore dedicated to discussing and reflecting on the diversity of these Arctic worlds, based on innovative and transdisciplinary research. The links between different prisms of analysis - geographic, strategic, historical, political science - make it possible to see in the Arctic Ocean and the circumpolar territories a space particularly sensitive to the recomposition of the international political scene as to the climatic upheavals which modify singularly this vulnerable region.

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Peer-reviewed articles

  • Pic, P. P. Evoy and JF Morin (2023) "Outer Space as a Global Commons: An Empirical Study of Space Arrangements" International Journal of the Commons, 17(1), pp. 288–301.

    The designation of outer space as a global commons is a contentious issue. Some argue that officially recognizing it as such could discourage private investment, while others claim that it would not sufficiently promote sustainability. To address these debates, this article examines how space actors use a global commons framework in their institutional arrangements. Based on a collection of 1042 space arrangements, we characterize a subset of arrangements that explicitly reference concepts related to the notion of global commons. We observe that this framework is seldom used in bilateral arrangements and is mostly absent from recent agreements made by influential players. Furthermore, we find that employing principles related to global commons in arrangements does not result in significantly different operational rules. As a result, we conclude that a clearly defined global commons perspective has yet to be articulated and institutionalized. 

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  • Pic, P. (2023). Une géographie politique de l’exploitation des ressources naturelles en Arctique: Évolution contrastée d’un enjeu polarisant. Dans : L’Académie des sciences morales et politiques éd., Annuaire français de relations internationales: 2023 (pp. 769-783). Éditions Panthéon-Assas.

    Discourses about Arctic resources and their exploitation often carry a lot of misconceptions. In this chapter, we specifically want to deconstruct some of these tenacious representations. Through a political geography approach, we propose an examination of the spatial logic of the exploitation of extractive resources in the Arctic and underlying political stakes. We begin with an overview of the availability of proven and estimated resources in the region. Starting from this first observation, which already contributes to nuance an often too optimistic discourse on regional availability, we consider the many constraints that arise in the face of exploitation: technical, financial constraints… We also emphasize the importance of distinguishing between hydrocarbons and mining resources: the difficulties encountered are not of the same order. This allows us finally to analyze the political stakes of resource exploitation in the Arctic – from local geopolitics and social acceptability to major global issues. While the exploitation of resources in the Arctic is an established fact, we wish to propose a nuanced analysis of this reality and to consider its scope at all scales.

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  • Landriault, M., Pic, P., & Lasserre, F. (2023). Beyond Hans Island: The Canada–Denmark agreement’s possible impact on mobility and continental shelves. International Journal, 78(1-2), 243-253.

    The governments of Canada and Denmark signed a historic agreement on Hans Island on 14 June 2022. Although most of the agreement was devoted to the resolution of the Hans Island dispute, it also settled other issues. We argue that provisions on mobility and the continental shelf in the Labrador Sea give rise to interesting precedents that could have far-reaching effects for northerners. The agreement on enhanced mobility could represent a first step in a more ambitious process of facilitating Inuit mobility across Nunavut and Greenland, while the settlement on the continental shelf illustrates how states could collaborate on other continental shelf cases, including the continental shelf in the Central Arctic Ocean.

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  • Pic, P. (2022). The politics of Arctic scales. The Polar Journal, 12(2), 281–302.

    Many representations and narratives about the Arctic and Arctic politics carry misconceptions and flawed generalizations. Usually, the term ‘Arctic’ is used as an unproblematized—by default—geographical frame, without considering why this particular ‘Arctic’ framing was chosen and what this choice entails. Yet, considering geographical framing is important as the very choice behind it already carries a political agenda. This paper argues that focussing on the interplay between the different ‘scales’ of the Arctic can shed light on the politics of Arctic scales and resulting discourses. To that end, I analysed every Arctic strategy published by both Arctic and non-Arctic actors. I concentrated on strategies that specifically focused on the Arctic region as a whole, to draw comparisons from these framings. Using thematic analysis, I examined how the Arctic is construed and how the scale at which Arctic issues are framed comes with political consequences. In doing so, I wish to underline the interplay scales and underlying political processes. I conclude by stressing that recognising and attending to the production of ‘scale’ as an inherently political process greatly improves our understanding of regional politics.

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  • Pic, Pauline; Babin, Julie; Lasserre, Frédéric; Huang, Linyan; Bartenstein, Kristin (2021). “The Polar Code and Canada’s Regulations on Arctic Navigation : shipping companies’ perceptions of the new legal environment”. The Polar Journal, 11(1), 95-117.

    In 2017, the Polar Code, negotiated under the auspices of the IMO, came into force. Later that same year, Canada issued new regulations applicable to navigation in the Canadian Arctic. In this paper, we investigate how this new legal environment is perceived by shipping companies. We conducted a survey, asking companies, both active and not active in the Arctic, how they assess the impact of the legal changes on their operations. Using a qualitative methodology, we coded and analysed 99 questionnaires. Our research shows that companies not active in the Arctic are, as could be expected, largely unaware of the Polar Code and often unwilling to respond to our survey, showing a limited interest in the Arctic shipping market. Companies active in the Arctic and well aware of the issues of safety of navigation and environmental protection generally welcomed the Polar Code. Respondents were less familiar with the new Canadian regulations, arguably corroborating findings according to which the Northwest Passage is not currently considered a potential regular shipping route.

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  • Pic, Pauline; Lasserre, Frédéric (2020). “Océans, Cosmos, Antarctique : de nouveaux espaces de conquête?”. Relations Internationales, 2(182), 135-152.

    Oceans, especially in polar regions, and outer space, are today considered to be the “last frontiers.” These spaces where states project power are also spaces where states face several specific challenges, which are of an environmental nature in particular. They invite us to rethink the modes of political action. How, then, do states deal with these non-traditional spaces, and how do they structure their action there? In this paper, through several concrete examples, we seek to initiate a process of reflection by highlighting certain logics that underlie the organization of international political action in these spaces. We consider their nature and what the notion of “conquest” implies. The international community has managed to frame potential desires within international conventions. But if legal frameworks do exist, that does not mean that they have the capacity to appease all the tensions created by the desire to control these spaces. The questions raised by current events also highlight complex issues of a different nature, sometimes relating to sovereignty (as in Antarctica, for example), whilst at others relating to sovereign rights, when we speak of extended continental shelves, or the right to place satellites in orbit . . . . These questions also gain a new dimension in connection with the presence of new players, be they state or private. How do these actors conceive of these non-traditional spaces?

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Peer-reviewed presentations

  • Morin, J.-F., Pic, P. Binding and Non-Binding Agreements: The Case of Outer Space Governance. ISA 2024, San Francisco

    Two states can have several bilateral agreements between them, some legally binding and others not. Is there a discernible pattern to how states structure the chronological sequence of binding and non-binding agreements governing a specific issue area? For example, do states prioritize a binding treaty to establish the foundation of their cooperation and later iron out details in non-binding instruments? Or do they first experiment with a low-commitment memorandum of understanding before eventually settling on a more permanent treaty? This paper explores these questions using the example of space governance, which is characterized by a high number of bilateral agreements. Examining space agreements between 287 state dyads, it finds evidence that a combination of power asymmetry and trust levels shapes the sequence of binding and non-binding agreements. These findings are of particular relevance to the literature on informal governance, regime complexes and space politics.

  • Pic, P. Negotiating the deep-sea : A Political Geography of Extended Continental Shelf Claims, in the Arctic and beyond. ISA 2024, San Francisco

    International negotiations for the deep sea occur through two channels: under the authority of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) for exploitation, and within the framework of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) for claims related to the extended continental shelf, overseen by a scientific commission. This study focuses specifically on the latter, aiming to analyze the contentious issues that arise during these negotiations. By examining a comprehensive database containing the 93 submitted claims, the 38 commission responses, and countries' reactions, we establish a typology of countries' responses and investigate how they address overlapping claims. Additionally, we explore the arguments countries use to dispute claims. Our findings reveal that, in the majority of cases, states adhere to UNCLOS procedures. However, it is important to note that the commission can only provide consultative advice. Consequently, we supplement our analysis by examining overlapping claims in the Arctic region, emphasizing the resilience of the legal framework even in times of crisis. Through this research, we contribute to the scholarly dialogue on ocean governance, Arctic politics, and geopolitics.

  • Pic, P.; Landriault M. & Lasserre, F. Arctic conceptions of sustainability and the international negotiation on deep-sea mining. Arctic Science Summit Week, Vienna, Austria

    In 2019, Nautilus Mineral hoped to become world’s first company to mine the deep seabed in the waters off Papua New Guinea. A few months later, the company filed for bankruptcy after the government of Papua New Guinea decided on a moratorium on deep-sea mining, mainly out of environmental concerns. Yet, the government did not entirely close the door to future mining activities: the idea behind the moratorium was to ask for more guarantees regarding sustainability. In the last few years, several studies have indeed raised concerns over the consequences of deep-sea mining on marine biodiversity and the environment in general - and how complex it may be to anticipate them. As any unprecedented human activity, deep-sea mining comes with a set of new challenges that need to be considered and anticipated, especially now as sovereign states are negotiating to establish rules guiding deep-sea mining in international waters. These rules are likely to have repercussions for Arctic resources present in the Central Arctic Ocean, including in continental shelves. The international negotiations are pitting different perspectives on sustainable development and sustainability against one another.

    This communication analyses if the discourses around sustainability at these negotiations mark a break with previous sustainability discourses. Then, we focus on Arctic states to inquire if they share similar narratives and conceptions of sustainability in these negotiations. These positions will be tied in with the positions of non-Arctic states to better understand how Arctic conceptions of deep-sea mining may fit with global developments.

  • Morin, J.-F., Pic P., How does the current wave of informal institutions fit with the formal bedrock of multilateral treaties? The case of outer space governance. Commons in Space 2023 Virtual Conference

    Two states can have several bilateral agreements between them, some legally binding and others not. Is there a discernible pattern to how states structure the chronological sequence of binding and non-binding agreements governing a specific issue area? For example, do states prioritize a binding treaty to establish the foundation of their cooperation and later iron out details in non-binding instruments? Or do they first experiment with a low-commitment memorandum of understanding before eventually settling on a more permanent treaty? This paper explores these questions using the example of space governance, which is characterized by a high number of bilateral agreements. Examining space agreements between 287 state dyads, it finds evidence that a combination of power asymmetry and trust levels shapes the sequence of binding and non-binding agreements. These findings are of particular relevance to the literature on informal governance, regime complexes and space politics.

  • Pic, P.; Landriault, M., & Lasserre, F. Science diplomacy and the resolution of continental shelf contentions : potential for the Arctic region. Arctic Frontiers Conference, Norway

    Rules about assigning continental shelves to coastal states are detailed in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The process is one rooted in science diplomacy where science can at times support diplomatic processes while at others diplomatic activities can facilitate scientific collaboration: both roles can be observed when it comes to continental shelves. While coastal states can submit scientific evidence to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) and in turn the CLCS issues recommendations, coastal states can also share their geological evidence and negotiate together if they have competing claims. Some states have already employed this latter possibility to resolve disputes: the agreement signed between Canada and Denmark in 2022 is a good example of such avenue. This communication will focus on these cases to understand the commonalities that these successful cases share. Then, we will explore if such possibility can be used to resolve competing claims on the continental shelf present in the Central Arctic Ocean.