Chaire de recherche du Canada en ÉPI

Université Laval


Laure is a PhD candidate in political science (Université Laval & Technische Universität Dresden). In her thesis, Laure focuses on the contestation of international norms, paying particular attention to the conflicts that can arise from overlaps between different areas of governance (agriculture; climate; biodiversity). More specifically, she studies the discourses of actors advocating more sustainable food systems, and the unequal power relations in which they are embedded. This project mobilizes mixed methods (mainly discourse network analysis and critical discourse analysis). This research is supported by a doctoral grant from the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Société et Culture (FRQSC). Laure has presented her research at several international conferences, such as those of the International Studies Association (ISA: 2021-2024); the Earth System Governance project (ESG: 2022-2023); and the European International Studies Association (EISA:2023-2024).

In parallel, Laure is conducting research on the integration of climate considerations into European agricultural and trade policies as part of the FRAMENET research project. She is studying the debates surrounding the negotiation of the free trade agreement with the Mercosur countries and the reform of the European Common Agricultural Policy, and has co-authored an article published in the Journal of European Public Policy (Durel and Gosselin 2023).

Laure holds a bachelor's degree in social sciences, a master's degree in international relations (Sciences Po Bordeaux 2018) and a master's degree in environmental law, sustainable development and food security (Université Laval 2020). She has also completed several recognized methodological training courses in social network analysis (ECPR 2021) and critical discourse analysis (Methods Net 2023). She is affiliated with the Centre de Recherche en Economie de l'Environnement, de l'Agroalimentaire, des Transports et de l'Énergie (CREATE) and a Junior Fellow of the Earth System Governance Project. She was elected to the Outreach Committee of the Environmental Studies Section of the International Studies Association in 2023, and has since been involved in organizing various mentoring activities for early-career researchers.

Thesis Project: Discursive Battlegrounds. Discursive Power & Norm Contestation in the Regime Complex on Sustainable Food Systems


Research interest

Norm contestation; Normative conflicts; Complex governance; Discursive power;
Critical discourse analysis (CDA); Discourse network analysis (DNA)
Sustainable food systems; Environment; Climate change


Lecturer for GPL-2000 Principles of International Political Economy (Fall 2022)
Teaching assistant for POL-1005 International Relations and the Challenges of Globalization (2020 & 2021, several sessions)

Current research project

2021-2024: Research assistant for the project Frames in Production: Actors, Networks, Diffusion (FRAMENET). A collaborative research network between research institutions in Germany, Canada and the UK, funded by the Open Research Area (DFG, SSHRC, ESRC). In charge of supervising data collection and conducting analyses for the Agriculture/Climate case study. Built and coded a database of over 4,000 press articles.

Articles scientifiques